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Sons of Allen (SOA)
The Mission Statement of the Soa
To create a ministry for men, both clergy and lay, which will seek to address the needs for distinctive ministries to men, who are faced with spiritual, social, political political and psychological challenges, to equip men to follow the example of Andrew (St John 1: 41-42) who brought Peter to Jesus; to encourage men to emulate the resolute and redemptive spirit of Richard Allen, our revered, ancestral patriarch who in negotiating for his freedom with slave master Stokely Sturgis, negotiated freedom for his unnamed brother as well; to encourage men to implement ministries modeled by our founder, Richard Allen as he sought to meet needs in his community, the following Constitution is hereby adopted:
"The Sons of Allen is a ministry created for men, both clergy and lay, which will seek to address the needs for distinctive ministries to men, who are faced with spiritual, social, political, and psychological challenges, to equip men to follow the example of Andrew (John 1:41-42) who brought Peter to Jesus; to encourage men to emulate the resolute and redemptive spirit of Richard Allen, our revered, ancestral patriarch who in negotiating for his freedom with slave master Stokely Sturgis, negotiated freedom for his unnamed brother as well; to encourage men to implement ministries modeled by our founder, Richard Allen as he sought to meet needs in his community.
Among the several goals of the ministry, the chief goal is to lead men, especially black men in the 21st century, into a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Their relationship with God is nurtured through learning about the power of prayer, experiencing the wonder of worship and sensing the sacrifice of service to others. Their salvation in Christ makes men priests for their family and community.
The Sons of Allen has programs that enhance men in their abilities to serve God and God’s people through social outreach, Godly civic leadership, and vital Christian testimony. Men will be developed as leaders and role models for youth. Men will be encouraged to participate in local and connectional church activities. Men will know and appreciate the enormous contribution of the African Methodist Episcopal Church through its history, aims, beliefs, and programs. Men will commit to building the Kingdom of God on earth as protectors, producers and providers.
The Sons of Allen Ministry seeks to galvanize the latent power of men for the worship of God and service to God’s people equipping them through the vital, vibrant, spiritual, and social message of God and the African Methodist Episcopal Church."
Means of Accomplishing Purpose
- Lead men to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
- Organize all African Methodist men in Christian fellowship and social action.
- Develop African Methodist men in the skills of prayer, evangelism, Christian stewardship, and Christian spiritual and social services.
- Teach the men of our Church the history, aims, beliefs and program of the Church, and encourage Christian worship and Bible Study.
- Enlist and develop men as leaders and role models for the youth of the Church.
- Encourage African Methodist Episcopal men to engage in community, state, national and world affairs as Christian citizens.
- Promote the participation of African Methodist Episcopal Men in the work of the local and Connectional Church in keeping with their abilities, interest and time schedule.
- Encourage such inter-church and connectional activities among African Methodist Episcopal Men that will aid in creating a sense of Christian community.
- Encourage our men to become witnesses for Christ in their daily occupations.
- Create a conscious loyalty to the total program of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
SOA Colors and Attire
Burgundy and Gray. The official attire for the Sons of Allen shall be a maroon blazer with the official insignia on the left upper pocket, gray slacks, white shirt and the AME shield on the tie. Appropriate variations may be employed.
When To Wear SOA Colors
- Annual SOA Day
- Funerals of Son's of Allen, Brother's and Leaders such as Bishops, Pastors, and others as designated leaders.
- All SOA Worship Services including Prayer Breakfasts
- All Dedication and Re-dedication Services.
- All SOA Worship and Communion Services.
Elected Officers
Article IV — Officers
The officers shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer, all of whom shall be at least 18 years old, male, clergy or lay members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. They shall be elected for a term of four (4) years by the Connectional Christian Education Congress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, having been nominated by a committee on Nominations, named by the Executive Committee. The duties of the officers shall be such as ordinarily pertain to their respective offices.
The work of the Sons of Allen of the African Methodist Episcopal Church shall be promoted through four (4) committees:
- Membership
- Programs
- Projects
- Publicity
There shall also be six (6) Commissions:
- Commission on Christian Fellowship
- Commission on Christian Service
- Commission on Christian Training
- Commission on Devotional Life
- Commission on Prison Ministry
- Commission on Youth Ministries