
St. Paul AME Church

Established in 1890 in a section of town known as Woodbine. The property was Purchased for $15.00 cash on March 24, 1896, Lot 9, Block 14, in Carlton Addition of Fort Pierce, by James G. Seward, P. J. Wells, and Douglas Kimpp. It was burned in 1897.

The second edifice was located at 8th and Avenue B. an area known as Zetland donated by the stewardess, Dorcus Hudson on August 18, 1904. The Women Missionary Society is named in her honor.

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Music Ministry

person passing a gold collection plate

We Truly Believe You Can't Out give God

The Bible says in Matthew 6:24 that the top competitor for our commitment to Jesus is money. Giving allows us to demonstrate that He is more important to us than material things. Not having cash or check on hand doesn’t have to hold you back from giving. You can be obedient today by giving online. There is no organization with more potential to change the world than the local church!

person squeezing their hands together on top of a bible

Prayer Request

Matthew 18:20 - For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." 


What Do Our Visitors Say?

  • Beautiful organization. People are nice courteous.

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God has given us two hands, one to receive with & the other to give with.Make use of both!
